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A Personal Message From Specialist Physical Therapist,
Carri Baumbick
Specialist Physical Therapist |
Back Pain Got You Frustrated?
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Please click on the link above, enter your information, and read on. Most people that take pain meds for 2-4 weeks develop a tolerance to their effects. This means that they will lose their effectiveness, unless you take more. This can potentially cause addiction. Pain meds actually can decrease your tolerance to pain, which will increase your sensitivity to pain. Safe alternatives to taking pain medication include exercise and manual therapy. Scientific studies now indicate that prolonged rest and avoidance of activity for people with low back pain actually leads to higher levels of pain, greater disability, poorer recovery and longer absence from work. Exercise can significantly prevent the recurrence of an episode of low back pain. Exercise also helps reduce low back pain and disability levels, when people stick with it in the long-term. Be aware too that all low back pain is not the same. So if you tried one form of exercise that has not helped you, talk to a healthcare professional who can set a specific program. With professional guidance under a licensed physical therapist, exercise can help your back by strengthening the muscles that support your spine. While there are a few spine conditions that require surgery, the vast majority of back problems are resolved without surgery. Only a tiny proportion of people with back pain require surgery. Most people with back pain can manage it by staying active, developing a better understanding about what pain means, and identifying the factors which are involved in their pain. This should help them continue their usual daily tasks, without having to resort to surgery. On average, the results for spinal surgery are no better in the medium and long-term than non- surgical interventions, such as exercise. Return to happiness, return to health, and start enjoying your life again by scheduling an assessment at Strive Therapy!!! Strive Therapy is a boutique owned physical therapy studio that specializes in identifying causes of low pack pain through an assessment, educating the patient, and putting the client on on a path back to doing what they like to actively do!!! Strive is unique in that it offers therapy, as well as classes that are customized to the individual to bridge their therapy with proper exercise classes to not only rehab, but to also maintain and prescribe a path back to an active lifestyle. Wishing You The Best, Carri Baumbick,PT Leading Physical Therapist In Fairview Park, Ohio |
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