Our brain is the most important tool we can focus on to make changes in our daily lives. Today, our Strive to Learn focused on mindset and meditation. We looked at talking points that included the importance of a positive mindset, techniques we can utilize to become more cognizant of our thoughts, along with the benefits that exercise has on our mindset.
Keeping a positive mindset has many health benefits. When keeping negativity from our daily habits and thoughts, we are increasing the chances of longevity with less anxiety and stress. A happy brain helps keep the stress hormone “cortisol” under control and allows our brain to release serotonin. If our body always feels under threat, it will produce cortisol, which in turn can affect blood pressure, increase anxiety, increase risk for illness. All of which can cause us to head into a spiral. There are mindful exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine that allows the brain to become “grounded” while focusing on our surroundings and utilizing the 5 senses. This is called the 5-4-3-2-1-method, this is just one of many that we practiced in our Strive to Learn Class. Breathing is always at the forefront of Strive’s framework of healing and rehabilitation, and today we learned techniques we can incorporate into our everyday lives. We looked closely into the 4x4 square breathing for regulating our nervous system and bringing our minds into a calm state. Our session progressed with learning movement patterns that incorporate contralateral moves and rolling on the ground, in order to connect the mind and body, while crossing midline. Movement should be a positive and nourishing experience for your brain and body. It should not be thought of as a form of punishment or restriction. Now, this doesn’t mean exercise will be easy and not challenging, as the human body thrives on challenge. We should walk away feeling empowered and confident as a result of our exercise. We finished our session with a mini circuit of movement to be inspired to move daily. 1. X15 air squats with low reach 2. X10 push ups 3. X5 each side floor to stance get ups ( working on not using our hands) Give it a try!! If you would like to learn more about the concepts of meditation, rolling and/or breathing techniques, reach out to Strive Therapy Systems